Guild info

Scholars of the First Sin

Guild ID: Scholars of the First Sin
Founder Name: Niezal
Date Founded: 2022-05-08
Alliance Name:
Guild Logo:
Kill Fame: 10,056,204
Death Fame: 28,478,233
Attacks Won: 0
Defsesnse Won: 0

Guild Member Count

Showing 81 from 302 results

Kill & Death Fame history

Showing 100 of 115 results

Kill Fame

Death Fame

Current Guild Members

25 Members
Name KillFame
Hasrathh 0
liXuul 0
DR432 0
P1ero140823 0
Hordival 0
numbermike 0
Kelsitoz 0
Debialt 0
babeltor 0
DalBoni 8,365
ali1zeim 0
ItsCheeko 0
alanoe15 0
llCENZll 0
Niezal 394,869
Markiseli 0
Hermont03 0
Damaro 0
xero122 656,836
viktorvnz 0
ArminQWQ 101,378
Darkito98 175,603
Onitnsafe 0
onlyKanne 0

Previous Guild Members

15 Previous